Emergency Information
School Emergency Information for Parents
Lemay Elementary School has emergency supplies, including a supply of food and water, as well as first aid supplies, rescue equipment, and other basic necessities. These supplies are inspected regularly and used during drills. We also have additional emergency supplies located in each classroom.
Lemay conducts regular emergency drills. Every elementary school conducts fire drills several times a year. In addition, we conduct at least one earthquake drill a year as part of the Great California ShakeOut in which we practice search and rescue and medical response techniques. Every school in the LAUSD has a Safe School Plan customized to each individual school’s needs that plans for all kinds of hazards and emergency situations.
Schools communicate regularly with parents with the Blackboard Connect system, through which parents receive automated calls regarding school situations, including emergencies. It is important that we have phone numbers to contact you during an emergency. Make sure you update your school emergency card and contact information for each child each time the information changes.
Keep your phone with you during emergencies so that you can receive updates on the emergency by Blackboard Connect automated messaging service. Make sure you keep your address and phone numbers updated with the school so that you can be notified in the event of emergencies.
When it is safe to pick up your child following an emergency, you will need to follow a special process to ensure everyone's safety. The Request Gate is the station set up to identify yourself to school staff and request that your child be sent out. You must bring I.D., and you must be listed on the child’s emergency card in order to check a child out. You will then report to the Reunion Gate, where your child will be brought to you. Separating the two gates keeps crowding down, and lessens anxiety for children who may become frightened by a large crowd of parents.
Keep yourself informed of school procedures by attending parent meetings, reading the student-parent handbook, and school newsletter, and checking the school website periodically. Make sure your family is prepared for emergencies, too.
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